
Taxi transportation

Radio Taxi Zagreb

(01) 060 800 800 (3,75 kn per call from telephone, and 5,05 kn per call from cell)
(01) 1777 (0,63 kn per call from telephone, and 1,87 per call from cell)

Price list:

Start: 9,90 kn
Every km: 4,90 kn
Waiting per hour: 40,00 kn


Taxi Cammeo

(01) 1212 (1,25 kn per call from telephone, and 2,45 kn per call from cell)

Price list:

Start: 15,00 kn (first 2 km included)
Every km (after first 2 km): 6,00 kn
Waiting per hour: 40,00 kn


EkoTaxi Zagreb

(01) 060 7777 (1,25 kn per call from telephone, and 2,45 kn per call from cell)
(01) 1414 (1,24 kn per call from telephone, and 2,49 per cal for cell)

Price list:

Start: 8,80 kn
Every km: 5,50 kn
Waiting per hour: 43,00 kn


Public transport

Zagreb Municipal Transit System (ZET)

ZET tool-free number: (01) 0800 200 060
ZET contact centre: (01) 060 100 001
Transport for disabled persons: (01) 660 0443

The passengers should validate their single or daily tickets when entering the vehicle and present to the driver their travel pass or other document serving as a ticket according to the ZET Tariff Regulation. For transport of dogs, a single ticket should be bought (excluding trained guide dogs for blind persons). Persons in the vehicle are obliged to present their ticket at the request of the ZET official.


Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokrenuti su i ustrojeni 16. studenoga 1992., isprva samo kao dvosemestralni Sveučilišni komparativni studij hrvatske filozofije i društva. Taj je program potom preoblikovan u program redovitog četverogodišnjeg studija.

Address: Borongajska cesta 83d, Zagreb (map)
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