About employee
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Greguric
Title:Associate Professor
Function:Assistant Professor
Location: 18
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: linkedin.com/in/ivana-greguric-90bba0b3
Odsjek: Department of Communication Sciences





Ivana Greguric is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Zagreb and a research associate at the Scientific Center of Excellence for Integrative Bioethics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, with scientific activities primarily within the Scientific and Research Committee for Bioethics, Technique and Transhumanism. She has worked as a research fellow on the project “Cyborgoethics – intersection or link between bioethics and technoethics” and a researcher at the philosophical library “Demetra”.

From 2001 to 2005 she studied political science at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb, where she graduated from political philosophy (Paradigm Change: Platon, Kant, Hegel, postmodern) and gained the title of Master of Political Science. In 2007 she enrolled postgraduate doctoral study in philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb, where she defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Philosophical aspects of cyborgization of man in the era of scientific humanism and the ability to think'' and gained the title of doctor of science in the field of humanities, field of philosophy, branch philosophical anthropology. From 2010 to 2018, she has been employed at the Business School as a lecturer (Business and Communication Ethics, Media Relations, Media Communication, Rhetoric), Head of Communications Department and organizer of the international scientific conference.

From 2009 to 2011 she was an associate of the scientific project "Application of Systematic Theory in General Techniques Analysis" (project leader: Prof. Igor Čatić) and since 2014 is an associate of the Scientific Center of Excellence for Integrative Bioethics at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb. Since 2018 she has been employed as a docent at the Department of Philosophy of Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb where she teaches: Philosophy of Cyberculture, Communication – media theories, Cyborgoethics and Robothoetics, Philosophy of Media, Bioethics, Philosophy of Communication and Philosophy of the 19th Century.

She is a member of the Circle of Youth Editor of Philosophy Research and Synthesis philosophica. She has participated in more than twenty international scientific conferences held in Croatia and abroad (Oxford, Lisbon, Liverpool) and has held numerous guest lectures (Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, European Home, International Congress of the Association of Nurses and Technicians of Croatia). She attended the European Parliament conference on Robot Responsibility Conference, where she proposed adopting a resolution on the limits of improving human beings.

She is an author of over ten scientific papers, a chapter in the book  Posthuman cultures  (Oxford, 2013), a chapter in the book Guide to Deep Learning Basics (Springer 2020), a co-author of a chapter in the book Chuck Klosterman and Philosophy (Open Court, 2012) and a co-editor of the book New wave and philosophy (Jesenski Turk, 2012).  She was a visiting researcher at the Brocher Foundation (2015), center for bioethical research in Geneva, which awarded her with a scholarship for her research on ''Ethical and scientific issues of creating enhanced ‘human’ beings''

IIn 2018 her book ''Cybernetic beings in the age of scientific humanism: Prolegomena for cyborgoethics'' has been published in Croatia. In 2021 she is co-authoring a book ’’The Philosophy of upcoming future: Essays on non-human’’ with Nenad Vertovšek. 

She is a member of the junior editorial board of the Journal of Philosophical Research, Croatian Philosophical Society, European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) and the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT). She is a member of the editorial board of the international journal In medias res. Areas of her scientific interest are: cyberculture, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of technology, media philosophy, cyberculture, bioethics, posthumanism and artificial intelligence. 

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database
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