Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

History of Croatian Culture

Šifra: 144304
ECTS: 4.0
Nositelji: doc. dr. sc. Domagoj Brozović
Prijava ispita: Studomat
Engleski jezik:


U dogovoru sa studentima upisanim na predmetu, nastavnik će osigurati što veći broj elemenata nastave na engleskom jeziku, odnosno istovremeno i na engleskom i na hrvatskom za mješovite grupe (dvojezični nastavni materijali i dvojezični ispiti). Razina 2 također uključuje dodatni individualni rad sa stranim studentima (slično kao i razina 1) za nastavne elemente koji se drže na hrvatskom jeziku.

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Vrsta nastaveUkupno
Predavanja 30
* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)
Opis predmeta:
History of Croatian Culture
(Course outline)

Instructor: dr. sc. Davor Piskač, asist. prof.
email: dpiskac@hrstud.hr
Course material: Norwich, John Julius (Ed.). (2009). Croatia: Aspects of Art, Architecture and Cultural Heritage, London: Frances Lincoln Limited Publications. Literature that can be used for essays writing is listed on the end of the syllabus.

Course goals:
The course goal is to familiarise you with the basic paradigms of the Croatian culture and art from the middle ages to the present day. So, during this course, you will get some knowledge and be able to recognize the most important cultural : historical facts about Croatia. These facts include basic knowledge about the origin of Croats and Croatian Glagolitic script. After that, you will learn about Croatian history including main events and influential people in cultural, social and political life. The oldest written texts, monuments and architecture will be presented to you using maps and other similar material. In the next step, you will be able to recognize some of the most important paintings of Croat painters, sculptors and architects. In the third step, the most important scientists, philosophers and writers will be presented to you. You will be able to also recognize some of specific art styles across Croatian cultural heritage.
Classes and topics:

Week, dates
Knowledge covered
Introduction week
: Introduction and presentation of class
: Primary evaluation
Croatian Glagolitism,
: Old Slavic language
: Glagolitic stone (epigraphic) monuments: the Baška tablet
Glagolitic script
: Reading and pronouncing and simple words
: Writing Glagolitic letters and numbers
Origin of Croats
: Immigration of Croats in today's homeland
: Language
: Literacy
: Cultural and literal monuments
Land of immigration before the arrival of the Croats (before Slavic period)
: Prehistoric ages
: Antiquity
Croatian older history
: Ethno genesis
: Middle ages
: Croatian land until the arrival of the Turks
Croatian newer history
: Croatian national revival
: Croatia and Yugoslavia
: Pre : Romanic
: Romanic
: Gothic and Renaissance
: Baroque
: Bauhaus
: 20th century
Visual arts
: Vučedol culture
: Pre : Romanic (9th : 11th centuries)
: Romanic (11th : 13th century)
: Gothic (13th : 15th century)
: Renaissance and Mannerism (15th : 16th centuries)
: Baroque and Rococo (17th : 18th century)
: The 19th century
: The 20th century
Croatian musical arts
: Glagolitic singing
: Croatian music during the Renaissance and Baroque
: Croatian music in the 17th century (Luka and Antun Sorkočević)
: Croatian music in the 19th century (Ferdo Livadić, Ivan Zajc)

Croatian musical arts
Croatian music in the 20th century (Mia Čorak, Zinka Kunc, Ruža Pospiš, Baloković, Neralić, Ruždjak, Matačić, Papandopulo)
: Croatian music in the 20th century
Croatian scientists, inventors and researchers of international reputation
Herman Dalmatin
Marko Polo
Marin Getaldić
Frane Petrić
Ruđer Bošković
Spiridon Brusina
Andrija Mohorovčić
Nikola Tesla
Lavoslav Ružička
Vladimir Prelog

Course structure, requirements and grading:
Grade breakdown:
Attendance 20%
Participation 20%
Essay 60%

Attendance: For each attendance student gets one point (plus). By achieving 12 points (pluses), students may receive 100% of the attendance mark.
Participation: For active, polite and constructive participation in class each student gets one point (plus) by one attendance. By achieving 12 points (pluses), students may receive 100% of the participation mark.
Writing assignments:
Students are required to write essay. Essay should contain from 800 to 1000 words (please do not exceed the maximum amount of words). Essay is worth up to 60% of the final grade.
Points of reference for essay marking
Maximum points you may achieve for certain point of reference. (Points ads up).
Some evidence of even superficial understanding 0 : 30
Understanding of subject matter 2
Using of the literature (at least 3 sources) 2
Evidence of assimilating knowledge base. (Students should be able to develop insights and come to logical conclusions based on a their previous assimilation of the knowledge) 4
Evidence of critical and analytical thinking based on usage of the literature (at least 3 relevant critical allegations from literature) 4
Proven extensive knowledge base with appropriate and related citations/allegations from the literature (at least 3 related and relevant allegations from scientific literature) 4
Superior grasp of subject matter with critical evaluations proven from scientific literature (at least 3 related and relevant allegations from scientific literature) 4
Innovative thinking explained, proven and converging from at least three related and relevant scientific sources 4
Original and new idea/approach proven and converging from at least three related and relevant scientific sources 6

The essay must be handed in by the email cro.essay@gmail.com.
Topics for essay:
A survey of Croatian history
Ancient Greeks in Croatia
Roman art in Croatian Dalmatia
Croatian in early middle ages
Illuminated manuscripts in Croatia
Gothic art & the friars in late medieval Croatia
The Renaissance in Croatia
Croats and Christianity
The rise of feudalism in Croatia
Croatia in the 13th and 14th centuries
Croatia and Venetian Republics
Croatia and Ottoman E mpire
Development of the middle class in Croatia
Croatian Identity and the European Union
In the essay originality is highly valued if it is strongly supported by and proven by the sources. Sources must be clearly indicated.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with disabilities may request this document and other materials related to this class in alternate formats: Braille, large print, audio tape, or computer disk. Please contact your instructor for more information.
Ishodi učenja:
  1. , Fine, J. V. (2006). When Ethnicity Did Not Matter in The Balkans: A Study Of Identity in Pre : Nationalist Croatia, Dalmatia, and Slavonia in The Medieval And Early : Modern Periods. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
    Davison, David; Gaffney, Vince; Marin, Emilio (2006), Dalmatia: Research in the Roman Province 1970 : 2001. Google books.
    Batovic, S.; Chapman, J.; Shiel, R. (2008), The Changing Face of Dalmatia Archaeological And Ecological Studies In A Mediterranean Landscape, London: Leicester University Press.
    Laurens, J.; Stallaerts, R. (1995), Historical Dictionary of Republic of Croatia, London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
    Monzali, Luciano (2009), The Italians of Dalmatia: From Italian unification to world war I, Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated.
    Stets, Jan E.; Peter J. Burke (2000), Identity theory and social identity theory. Social Psychology Quarterly 63, no. 3 (2000).
    Ivančević, Radovan (1986), Art Treasures of Croatia. Belgrad: Motovun, Jugoslovenska Revija.
    Ivandija, Antun; Duško Kečkemet (1972). Church Art in Croatia. Zagreb: Spektar, Google Books.
    Marković, Valdimir; Anđelko Badurina. (1999), The Croats: Christianity, Culture, Art. Zagreb: Gallery of Klovićevi dvori.
    Mohorovičić, Andre (1994), Architecture in Croatia: Architecture and Town Planning. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts: Šolska Knijga, 1994.
    Cvitanic, Marilyn (2011), Culture and Customs of Croatia. California: Greenwood.
    Croatia and the Croatians. Zagreb, Croatia ; Toronto: Northern Tribune Publishing, 1991.
    Ježić, Mislav (1996), Croatia in the Heart of Europe: Mediterranean and Central European Cultural Landscapes of Croatia. Zagreb: Croatian Paneuropean Union.
    Supičić, Ivo (1999), Croatia and Europe. London; Zagreb: Philip Wilson; AGM.
    Stjepan Cosic (1998), A Survey of Croatian History, Frances Lincoln Limited Publishers.
    Babic, Ivan; Stanko Guldescu (1964), Croatia Land, People, Culture. Vol. 1. Canada: University of Toronto.
    Bachich, Willy A. (1970), Maritime History of the Eastern Adriatic. Croatia Land, People, Culture. Vol. II. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto.
    Aksamija, Nadija. (2004). Between Humanism and the Counter : Reformation: Villa and Villeggiatura in Renaissance Ragusa. Princeton University. (ProQuest Dissertations and Theses)
    Amat, Darinka M. (1970). History of Early Printing in Croatia. (ProQuest)

    Bédé, Jean Albert; William Benbow Edgerton. (1980). Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature. New York: Columbia UP.
    Bellamy, Alex J. (2003). The Formation of Croatian National Identity: Centuries : Old Dream? N.p.: Manchester UP. (Google Scholar) Coleman, J.A. (2007). The Dictionary of Mythology. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited.
    Cornis : Pope, Marcel; John Neubauer. (2004). History of the Literary Cultures of East : Central Europe: Junctures and Disjunctures in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Vol. 3. N.p.: John Benjamins. (Google Scholar)Despalatovic, Elinor Murray. (1992). Gaj Croatia is not yet lost, 1832 : 33 : the ideology of Gaj, Ljudevit in the Preparatory Period of the Croatian National Revival in American Historical Review 97.2. (Web of knowledge)
    Despalatovic, Elinor Murray. (1975). Ljudevit Gaj and the Illyrian Movement. Vol. 12. Boulder Colo. New York: East European Quarterly. (Google Scholar)
    Frucht, Richard C. (2005). Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and Culture. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara, California: ABC : CLIO. (Google Scholar)
    Kadic, Ante. (1959). Croatian Renaissance. Studies in the Renaissance 6. (JSTOR)
    Krekić, Bariša. (1995). On the Latino : Slavic Cultural Symbiosis in Late Medieval and Renaissance Dalmatia and Dubrovnik. Viator 26, no. 1.
    Powell, Barry B. (2012). Classical Myth. New York. Pearson. Wallace, Jennifer. (1998). A History of Illyria. Greece 5.2. (Scopus), , , .
1. semestar
Courses for Erasmus+ student mobility - Redovni studij - Kroatologija
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Redovni studij - Kroatologija

2. semestar
Courses for Erasmus+ student mobility - Redovni studij - Kroatologija
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Redovni studij - Kroatologija

3. semestar
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Redovni studij - Kroatologija

4. semestar
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Redovni studij - Kroatologija

5. semestar
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Redovni studij - Kroatologija

6. semestar
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Redovni studij - Kroatologija
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