Bilateral and multilateral cooperation

The University Department of Croatian Studies  develops international contacts with foreign universities based on mutually coordinated and signed agreements supporting the following general forms of cooperation:

  • student and faculty exchange;
  • exchange of administrative and professional staff;
  • joint organization of courses, study tours, conferences and seminars;
  • participation in scientific conferences, symposia and seminars;
  • joint research projects, including applications for governmental and foundation funding;
  • exchange of experience and information on the syllabi, methodology of teaching and techniques applied to didactic process;
  • exchange of scientific publications
  • other forms of university co-operation of mutual interest.

 File:Utoronto coa.svg University of Toronto

This project is of highest importance for the recognition of the Croatian language and culture abroad, which is the mission of the University Department. It is also important for cooperation with associations of the Croatian diaspora, increase in international cooperation of the employees of the University Department, and connecting with businesses, all of which are strategic objectives and tasks that the University Department defined as a part of its Development Strategy for 2011 - 2015.

The project “Establishment of a study module 'Croatian language and culture' as a part of undergraduate and graduate studies at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the University of Toronto,” led by Prof. Zvonimir Čuljak, was launched in November of 2011 owing to encouragement by Prof. Helena Jasna Mencer, President of AMAC of the
University of Zagreb, with the support of the Croatian community in Toronto, AMAC Toronto, and with the financial support of the Adris Foundation. The result of the project was the introduction of 3 new courses into the study programme at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature at the University of Toronto (Croatian language - advanced course, Overview of history of Croatian literature, Croatian culture in historical perspective), delivered by a native speaker and teacher of the University Department.

Assistant Prof. Davor Piskač spent the academic year 2012/13 in Toronto, where he successfully taught classes to a group of some 30 students with the workload of 12 hours of teaching per week. Prof. Piskač received commendations for his work by the representatives of the Department of Slavic Studies, University of Toronto, and by the Rector of the
University of Zagreb, Prof. Aleksa Bjeliš. After the first, test year of the project, all parties to the agreement concluded that the project met all the expectations and should be continued. It was agreed that in the summer semester
of the academic year 2013/14 that Assist. Prof. Piskač would go to Toronto and teach the same courses to a new group of students.

     Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (UKSW)

There is only one multilateral agreement that includes research and professional activities, the agreement between the University Department for Croatian Studies, the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb, and the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University from Warsaw (arranged in 2012 and signed in March 2013), pertaining to the field of Philosophy.

School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University

The School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University and the University Department of Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb establish on 18th February 2015. an General Agreement to foster international cooperation in education and research where both parties agree to encourage the following activities, in particular to promote international academic cooperation; 1) Exchange of materials in education and research, publications, and academic information; 2) Joint research and meetings for education and research.For Michigan State University, the contact person will be Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Baker Hall, 655 Auditorium Road, Room 506, 1-517-355-2194, 1-517-432-1787 (fax),  For University of Zagreb, the contact person will be Irena Cajner Mraovic, Associate Professor, University Department for Croatian Studies, Borongajska 83d,10000 Zagreb, Croatia, 385-1- 2457618, 385-1- 2457636 (fax),

Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu

Sporazum je potpisan 20. 11. 2013. na inicijativu Odjela za povijest obje institucije. Omogućuje razmjenu studenata i nastavnika, razmjenu informacija među institucijama, kao i zajedničko publiciranje materijala od zajedničkog znanstveno- istraživačkog interesa. Ubrzo je rezultiralo i gostujućim predavanjem izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijele Stefanović koja je boravila je na Hrvatskim studijima od 14. do 17. travnja 2014. i održala tri predavanja: 1) Egipat i Nubija u vreme Srednjeg carstva (oko 2040-1750. god. pre n.e.), 2) Egipat i istočni Mediteran u XIII/XII veku pre n.e., 3) Egipat i Stari istok krajem VII veka pre n.e.

              Hellenic Institute of Egyptology

Ugovorom je dogovorena suradnja na inicijativu doc. dr. sc. Mladena Tomorada, pročelnika Odjela za povijest, a potpisan je 4. lipnja 2015. u Zagrebu koja osigurava razmjenu nastavnika na polju povijesti i arheologije te razmjenu nastavnih i znanstveno-istraživačkih sadržaja, kao i razmjenu akademskih informacija.




Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokrenuti su i ustrojeni 16. studenoga 1992., isprva samo kao dvosemestralni Sveučilišni komparativni studij hrvatske filozofije i društva. Taj je program potom preoblikovan u program redovitog četverogodišnjeg studija.

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