

  • Home university nominates students for winter semester/academic year 2023/24 via Google form (to be opened on March 1,2023). Recommended nomination deadline is May 1, 2023. Please do not send nominations via email. For specific questions (not explained on the web site) about the nomination or application process, please contact incoming@unizg.hr.
  • Partner Universities are kindly requested to respect the NOMINATION DEADLINES which are as follows:

                  - May 1st  for the 1st / winter semester / academic year

                  - November 1st for the 2nd / summer semester

Your home university has to nominate you for your student exchange period and now you need to apply. Before applying please make sure that you have been nominated by your home University and that you have previously received an email from UNIZG with the instructions on how to apply!



  • Nominated students need to submit their application in our online application portal (MoveON). Please apply here: Online application (text is the link) for the 1st (Winter) Semester/Academic year 2023/24  is open from March 1 until May 15, 2023. The application portal is only intended for students who wish to apply for a study mobility exchange. Traineeships are arranged directly with the faculty/academy.


Please bear in mind that the online application through our website is mandatory and that any nominee who does not apply online will automatically be rejected. 

The documents you need to enclose to your application form are:

  1. Curriculum Vitae (Croatian or English)
  2. The Learning Agreement (signed by the student and home institution, preferably checked by host faculty/academy). Obligatory before submitting: student can enter only courses that are available at the faculty/academy. 
  3. Grade Transcript
  4. Certificate of Enrolment
  5. Nomination Letter (if applicable - a formal nomination letter is not necessary for Erasmus+ KA103, upload of scanned nomination email sent by your university is OK)
  6. Copy of the ID card (both sides) / Passport (first page with the photo and personal data)
  7. Proof of English knowledge if you are following courses in English – B2 level (all kinds of certificate, from different language schools are accepted).

All the documents need to be in English. Application document templates can be found here (you may also use templates from your University).

The application deadline to receive your original documents for the 1st / winter semester is 15 May 2023.

You can find information on the courses in English for exchange students at the Faculty website here and for additional questions you can contact my colleague Ms Danijela Vnucec Grdovic at dvnucec@hrstud.hr  .

All applicants are kindly requested to respect the APPLICATION DEADLINES which are as follows:

  • 15 May for the 1st / winter semester / academic year
  • 10 November for the 2nd / summer semester


Exchange students must demonstrate a proficiency in English (or Croatian), minimum level B2 according to the European reference framework.  

Accepted language tests are:

  • official confirmation of language instructor at the home university on university letterhead with original signature and stamp/seal
  • TOEIC 700 (Oxford Campus : TOEIC 750)
  • TOEFL IBT 79 - CBT 210
  • IELTS 6.0
  • Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE)

Students who speak English or Croatian as mother tongue or study completely in English in their home country (not only in isolated courses) do not have to submit a language test.


Academic Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications

Based on the Act on Amendments to the Act on the Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications, published in Official Gazette 138/2006 and having entered into force on December 28, 2006, academic recognition (recognition of foreign higher education qualifications) and recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions for the purpose of continuing education in Croatia is carried out by the higher education institution in Croatia where the applicant seeks to continue his or her higher education.
Applications for the academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions for the purpose of continuing education at one of the faculties or academies of the University of Zagreb must be submitted by mail to the following address:

Ured za akademsko priznavanje inozemnih visokoškolskih kvalifikacija

Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
P.P. 407
HR – 10002 Zagreb

Contact information:
 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.)
tel. + 385 (1) 45 64 272, fax: + 385 (1) 45 64 274
e-mail: akadured@unizg.hr

Instructions for applying for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions for the purpose of continuing education in Croatia:
1. Collect all necessary documents.
2. Fill out application form.
3. Pay processing fee.
4. Send documents to Academic Recognition Office.

1. Collect all necessary documents
Documents necessary for academic recognition
Documents necessary for recognition of periods of study

2. Fill out application form
The application form is an official document needed to initiate the process of recognition of foreign higher education qualifications. The form needs to be filled out completely, clearly and legibly. Applicants are responsible for the accuracy of the information given. The recognition process cannot be initiated without a properly filled out application form.
If changes to the information submitted occur during the recognition process, the applicant must inform the Academic Recognition Office in writing.
Application form for academic recognition
Application form for recognition of periods of study
Europass curriculum vitae form
Instructions for the use of Europeass curriculum vitae

3. Pay processing fee
The processing fee for the academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions for the purpose of continuing education in Croatia, as well as its amount, distribution and exemptions, are determined by the By-Law on Amendments to the By-Law on the Fees and Exemptions from Fees for the Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications and Periods of Study (Official Gazette 10/2008) http://www.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeno/2008/0307.htm
The processing fee for the academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications for completed undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate university and professional study programmes is HRK 400.00 (four hundred Croatian Kuna).
The processing fee for the recognition of periods of study is HRK 200.00 (two hundred Croatian Kuna).
How to fill out the payment form:
Primatelj (recipient): Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb
Broj žiro-računa (account number): 2340009-1100010475 (PBZ)
Poziv na broj (reference number): 3211592
Opis plaćanja (purpose of payment): troškovi postupka akademskog priznavanja IVK
Uplatitelj (user): applicant’s name and address (make sure to write it legibly)

Payments made from abroad:
POST CODE: 10000
IBAN CODE: HR3423400091510297183

4. Send documents to Academic Recognition Office:
Ured za akademsko priznavanje inozemnih visokoškolskih kvalifikacija
Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
P.P. 407
HR – 10002 Zagreb


Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokrenuti su i ustrojeni 16. studenoga 1992., isprva samo kao dvosemestralni Sveučilišni komparativni studij hrvatske filozofije i društva. Taj je program potom preoblikovan u program redovitog četverogodišnjeg studija.

Address: Borongajska cesta 83d, Zagreb (map)
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