Logic and Methodology of Science
Code: 227446
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge:
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English level:


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1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introduce the student to advanced philosophical and logical topics which are central in artificial intelligence, like the artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary algorithms, rough sets and deterministic chaos.
A special emphasis will be placed on the logico-philosophical beginnings of these selected topics.
A separate topic at the end of the course will be devote to the history of artificial intelligence in Croatia.

Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes:
Define and describe contemporary philosophical disciplines, the history of their development and central problems.
Argue and rationally defend one's own philosophical views.
Conduct an interdisciplinary evaluation by taking into account different scientific methodologies and views on selected topics and problems.
Consider the justifiability of various theoretical and practical suggestions, by taking into account the specifics of various walks of life and work environments.
Develop critical thinking and structured formal thinking.

Expected learning outcomes at the level of the course:
1. Critically evaluate the development of artificial intelligence and cybernetics and the role of philosophers and philosophical logicians in its development.
2. Construct a system which uses fuzzy logic.
3. Evaluate the role of deterministic chaos
4. Understand artificial neural networks, their philosophical and logical beginnings and their role in today's world.

Course content:
1. A general introduction to the past and present role of logic in artificial intelligence.
2. Supervised learning and the perceptron.
3. Multilayered artificial neural network. Possible applications in philosophy.
4. Convolutional an recurrent networks: deep learning.
5. Kohonen maps and Boltzmann machines
6. Genetic algorithms
7. Fuzzy sets and their philosophical motivation
8. Fuzzy logic and systems. Applications of fuzzy logic
9. Rough sets
10. Deterministic, stochastic, chaotic and random processes. Applications in neural networks and fuzzy logic.
11. Theory of deterministic chaos. Connections with philosophy of science. Atractors.
12. History of cybernetics and artificial intelligence in the USA. The role of philosophers and philosophical logicians in the early development of cybernetics and artificial intelligence.
13. History of cybernetics and artificial intelligence in the USSR. Links and conflicts with philosophy and politics.
14. Beginnings of cybernetics and artificial intelligence in Croatia in the 1950s: Božidar Finka i Bulcsu Laszlo.
15. Final discussion.
Learning outcomes:
Consultations schedule:


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