Economic Picture of Istria during Antiquity
Code: 78702
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Vlatka Vukelić
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities will be held in Croatian. However, foreign students in mixed groups will have the opportunity to attend additional office hours with the lecturer and teaching assistants in English to help master the course materials. Additionally, the lecturer will refer foreign students to the corresponding literature in English, as well as give them the possibility of taking the associated exams in English.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Seminar 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Course description
The aim of the course is that students adopt a theoretical knowledge of the basics of the economic history of the ancient world and specific instructions as in regional terms, and that this knowledge is educated to understand the economic processes in antiquity. Developing the ability to correctly define the essential features of the economic history of antiquity, analysis and critical examination of the process of economic history, and, indirectly, apply the results of the analysis of the economic history of other periods and regions.

e-learning level 1
english level 1

After finishing the programme student will be able to
define historical processes typical for certain historical period;
explain cause and effect relations of historical events and processes;
compare historical processes of different periods.

Learning Outcomes
1. describe the period of the Roman conquest of Histria-causes and consequences;
2. explain the terms Romanization and the establishment of government;
3. explain their views on the history of the economy in terms of regional natural predisposition of ancient Istria;
4. analyze territorial specificity the great economic possessions (senatorial and imperial estates, residential complexes, private estates, the imperial porcelain workshops);
5. define the main concepts (villa rustica, villicus) and periodization;
6. explain various aspects of everyday life of all strata of the population.

Week plan
1. Introductory lecture, introduction to the subject and literature
2. Historical resources (material and written); researchers of ancient Istria
3. The geographical position of Istria in antiquity, history and proto-history (Histrians); Wars-Histrians and Romans Histrian wars (working on sources), Roman management of Istria
4. Roman economy, the Roman army, pacification and urbanization Illyria Histria
5. Indigenous people and the process of Romanization; civitates peregrinae
6. Ceramic furnaces, ponds, water reservoirs, ports and harbors; Roman villas Istria and Dalmatia
7. Veriga, Valbadon, Barbariga Cervar, Byzantine castrum, Kolci, Val Madonna
8. Cults in the preroman Istria; Cults in Roman Istria
9. Cultural and social life; necropolis (from prehistoric tumuli to early medieval cemeteries)
10. Mirna valley in ancient times
11. Olive oil and wine, storage
12. Roman administration and Roman province in today(s Croatian; Provincial economy-differences and commonalities
13. Ancient Brioni Processed fabric fulionicae
14. The development of early Christianity in today(s Croatian and during the fall of the Roman Empire on the territory of Illyria
15. Field work

Evaluation of essay, participation in classes and knowledge test (40 10 50).
Learning outcomes:
  1. , M. Križman, Antička svjedočanstva o Istri. "ZNŽakan Juri", Pula, 1997.
    S. Jurković, Atlas zapadne obale Istre. Histria antiqua 1 (1995.) 87-188.
    A. Šonje, Putevi i komunikacije u prethistoriji i antici na području Poreštine. Poreč - Pazin,1991.
    M. Suić, Antički grad na istočnoj jadranskoj obali, Zagreb, 2003.
    R. Matijašić, Gospodarstvo antičke Istre. "ZN Žakan Juri", Pula,1998.
    A. Starac, Unutrašnjost Histrije u vremenu rimske vlasti, Histria archaeologica, 26 (1995[i.e. 1997]), 58-106, , , .
Optional literature:
  1. , M. Sanader, Antički gradovi u Hrvatskoj. "Školska knjiga", Zagreb,1992.
    A. Starac, Rimska Pula - društveni život, Histria archaeologica 27, Pula, 1996. 93-152
    A. Škegro, Gospodarstvo rimske provincije Dalmacije. "Hrvatski studiji", Zagreb 1999., , , .
1. semester
POV (17189) - Izborni predmeti: Starovjekovna povijest - Regular studij - History
POV (17189) - Izborni predmeti: Starovjekovna povijest - Regular studij - History
Consultations schedule:
  • izv. prof. dr. sc. Vlatka Vukelić:

     Thursdays from 12:30 to 13:30

    Location: 15


Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokrenuti su i ustrojeni 16. studenoga 1992., isprva samo kao dvosemestralni Sveučilišni komparativni studij hrvatske filozofije i društva. Taj je program potom preoblikovan u program redovitog četverogodišnjeg studija.

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