Klara Saganić graduated in psychology at the Catholic University of Croatia in 2019, defending her dissertation Identification of Moral Profiles in a Student Sample and Their Relation to Personality Traits, Political Attitudes and Religious Orientations. Since 2020, she has been employed as a teaching assistant at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Croatian Studies. She is currently studying at the doctoral study program in Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. Her areas of scientific interest are family and romantic relationships and morality. She is a member of International Society for Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection (ISIPAR).
Moral Profiles Differ in Political Attitudes, Religious Orientations and Personality Dimensions: A Study of Croatian Students
Uloga separacije – individuacije u odnosu roditeljskoga prihvaćanja – odbacivanja i psihološke prilagodbe u razdoblju prijelaza u odraslost
The Role of Coping Strategies in the Relationship Between Psychological Capital, Life Satisfaction, and Perceived Stress
The Mediating Role of Psychological Adjustment in the Relationship Between Parental Acceptance- Rejection and Breakup Distress
The Role of Political Attitudes, Religious Orientations, and Personality in Explaining Students' Moral Foundations
Psychological adjustment mediates the relation between parental acceptance-rejection and breakup distress during emerging adulthood
Relationships between parental acceptance- rejection, psychological adjustment, and sense of coherence in women in emerging adulthood
Uloga političkih stavova, religioznih orijentacija i ličnosti u objašnjenju moralnih temelja studenata
Identification of Moral Profiles in a Student Sample and Their Relation to Personality Traits, Political Attitudes and Religious Orientations