Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Teaching Croatian as a Foreign Language

Code: 234350
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Antonia Ordulj
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Antonia Ordulj - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


The lecturer is not able to offer courses in English at this time.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
To provide a modern insight into teaching Croatian as foreign language and enable students to teach Croatian for non-native speakers independently.
Explain and judge the general and specific features of acquiring and teaching Croatian as foreign language.
According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL), to discuss communication competence and levels in Croatian as a foreign language.
Analyse the characteristics of teaching inflected and non-inflected parts of speech and lexical units in Croatian as a foreign language.
Analyse teaching activities in teaching Croatian as a foreign language.

Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes:
Express, distinguish, and use the norm and grammatical concepts of the Croatian standard language.
Identify and explain the characteristics of the Croatian language concerning other languages.
Understand and interpret Croatian phonology, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary facts.
Apply language knowledge in written and oral communication, editing, and proofreading.
Adhere to the Croatian language's linguistic, orthographic, and stylistic norms in academic and non-academic discourse.

Expected learning outcomes at the level of the course:
1. Describe and distinguish basic terminology in second language teaching.
2. Explain acquiring Croatian as a foreign language by heritage speakers.
3. State the definition of communication competence and distinguish levels in Croatian as a foreign language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
4. Explain and distinguish foreign language teaching methods.
5. Explain and discuss the acquisition of cases, verb types, and lexical units in the teaching of Croatian as a foreign language.
6. To establish the characteristics between receptive and productive skills in acquiring Croatian as a foreign language.
7. Select and implement teaching activities in Croatian as a foreign language.

Course content:
1. Introduction to the curriculum.
2. Croatian as a foreign language and heritage speakers.
3. Methods of teaching foreign languages.
4. Motivation and second language learning strategies.
5. Processing of linguistic information and interlanguage.
6. Communication language competence according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
7. Language level A2 in Croatian as a foreign language, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
8. Language level B1 in Croatian as a foreign language, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
9. Language level B2 in Croatian as a foreign language, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
10. Language level C1 in Croatian as a foreign language, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
11. Teaching cases in Croatian as a foreign language.
12. Teaching verbs in Croatian as a foreign language.
13. Teaching lexical units in Croatian as a foreign language.
14. Teaching activities in Croatian as a foreign language.
15. Systematisation of materials and evaluation of course work.
Learning outcomes:
1. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
PSI (2980) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Psychology

2. semester
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Croatology
KRO (3001) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
PSI (2980) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Psychology

3. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Croatology
KRO (3001) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
FIL (17084) : Izborni TZP - Regular studij - Philosophy and Culture
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

4. semester
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Croatology
KRO (3001) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
FIL (17084) : Izborni TZP - Regular studij - Philosophy and Culture
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

5. semester Not active
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
SOC (2960) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Sociology

6. semester
KOM (2999) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - Communication Studies
KRO (1787) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Croatology
POV (3517) - izborni TZP - Regular studij - History
Consultations schedule:
  • doc. dr. sc. Antonia Ordulj:

    by agreement (aordulj@fhs.hr)

    Location: Objekt 78, soba 16
  • doc. dr. sc. Antonia Ordulj:

    by agreement (aordulj@fhs.hr)

    Location: Objekt 78, soba 16

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