Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Sociology of Domestic Violence

Code: 214087
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Irena Cajner Mraović
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Irena Cajner Mraović - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities in the course will be held on English. This level includes courses with multiple groups (i.e., all teaching will be held strictly in Croatian for Croatian groups, and strictly in English for English groups).

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The main goal is to enable students for sociological approach to research and understanding domestic violence and for creation of relevant domestic violence prevention and intervention programs. Students should be able to constructively and critically assess soial response to domestic violence and on the basis of that to contribute to its improvement.

1. Introduction. Historical development of theoretical approach to etiologoy of domestic violence and development of social responses to domestic violence.
2. Domestic violence dynamics: features of perpetrators and their victims in social context.
3. Feminist perspectives on Domestic Violence.
4. Systems perspectives on domestic violence.
5. Macrosocietal Explanations of Domestic Violence. The interaction between societal violence and domestic violence.
6. Preliminary and revised multivariate model explaining domestic violence.
7. First colloquium.
8. Seminar: Societal genesis of gender discrimination.
9. Seminar: Gender (in)equality in the family.
10. Seminar: Gender (in)equality in school.
11. Seminar: Gender (in)equality in politics.
12. Seminar: Gender (in)equality in politics.
13. Second colloquium.
14. Social responses to domestic violence.
15. Final remarks
Learning outcomes:
  1. Reconstruct historical development of theoretical approach to etiologoy of domestic violence
    and development of social responses to domestic violence
  2. Combine domestic violence dynamics and social context in which domestic violence occur.
  3. Compare different sociological models of domestic violence explanation .
  4. Relate gender discrimination to domestic violence.
  5. Analyze social conditionality of domestic violence.
  6. Classify different aspects of gender discrimination in relation to social context.
  7. Analyze strength and weakness of social response s to domestic violence.
  1. , Singer, M., Kovčo Vukadin, I., Cajner Mraović, I.: Kriminologija
    Singer, M. i sur:Kriminologija delikata nasilja
    Kamenov, Ž., Galić, B. Rodna ravnopravnost i diskriminacija u Hrvatskoj
    Harway, M., O'Neil, J.M. :What causes Men's Violence Against Women., , , .
1. semester
SOC-dipl (4420): Izborni kolegiji u zimskom semestru (ZN/NAST smjer) - Regular smjer - Science Stream
SOC-dipl (4469): Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Sociology

2. semester Not active
SOC-dipl (4469): Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Sociology

3. semester
SOC-dipl (16536): Izborni kolegiji u 3. semestru SOCIOLOGIJA RAZVOJA I SIGURNOSTI ILI EUROPSKI STUDIJI - Regular smjer - Science Stream
SOC-dipl (4420): Izborni kolegiji u zimskom semestru (ZN/NAST smjer) - Regular smjer - Science Stream
SOC-dipl (4469): Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Sociology
SOC-dipl (4420): Izborni kolegiji u zimskom semestru (ZN/NAST smjer) - Regular smjer - Teaching Stream

4. semester Not active
SOC-dipl (4469): Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Sociology
Consultations schedule:

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